Title : Tsumugi-sama no Hanamuko Choukyou Nikki / The Bridegroom Training Diary of Tsumugi-sama
Original Title : つむぎ様の花婿調教日記
Language : English
Developer : Sadistic Alice
Released date: 2016-05-27
Length : Short (2 – 10 hours)
Tateyasu and his soon-to-be bride Tsumugi vacationed at the pre-honeymoon inn.
It was meant to be a romantic journey to celebrate their new life. But it was so very distorted!
Who is the sadistic dominatrix hidden beneath the grace and beauty of this woman???
CV: Sayaka Kazuna
Sayaka's Scenes
Oral pleasures - "Do you like your face getting f*cked like a p*ssy? If you were a woman you'd be a top selling slut."
Strapon reverse anal - "F*cking upright is nice, isn't it.... Fast access through the clothes... ahahannn."
Scenario by legendary masochist game world writer Haineko.
Filthy, melting porn hot voice acting!! So lewd!!
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