Set in a small suburban town, a young man just entering college is struck by the death of his father. Mysterious circumstances surrounding the death are only the beginning of his adventures as he learns that his father was in debt to a group of shady criminals. Adding to the list of problems, our young hero needs to save enough money for his college semester and find a date for prom night!
v0.20.14 (Pre-tech - Part 4):
New Content:
Eight new animations spread over a variety of scenes.
Many of the scenes with first time and repeatable dialogue variants.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue in some dialogues where Jenny's arms and face could vanish.
Removed Anon's secret second penis from some scenes. >_>;;
Restore a small section of dialogue missing from Diane's post-sex milking scene.
v0.20.13 Pre-tech - Part 3
New Content
- Six new animations (two with two variants).
- Integrated to help existing events feel more satisfying.
- Includes the addition of an existing character to the Cookie Jar.
- Small improvements to posing during Eve's "Never Have I Ever" scene.
- Minor posing tweaks in Odette buttons.
- A slew of minor dialogue alterations for various scenes.
Bug Fixes
- Added missing assets to prevent an exception when milking Diane prior to acquiring the cow costume.