A young, orphaned warrior lives as the sole male in a village of monster girls. The local deity, the goddess of fertility, tasks him to breed with 1,000 monster girls to help leverage the population. He's joined by an elf girl and a demon girl as he ventures out into a new, mysterious world full of monster girls to build his harem.
- 4 New Romanceable Girls, 6 New Sex Scenes.
- New Advancement Contract: Mother Knows Breast
- New Misc Contract: Savvy Davy
- New Building: The Bar, can buy new items, Gemstones and Giftboxes here. Unlocked after Savvy Davy.
- New Contract: Furry Pandemic! At Mistral VIllage, Unlocked: after sleeping with Mary.
- You can now have sex with Mary and Moona through the harem menu.
- After beating Furry Pandemic you can sleep with Keke through the harem menu.
- Added Hides-in-Barrels, Dobbi, Davy and Isadora, and a secret battle to the Training Arena. (You aren't expected to be able to beat these yet.)
- Mimi can now get pregnant after you beat her in the training arena
- Keke can now get pregnant after her quest and if you beat in her the training arena
- Isadora can now get pregnant after her quest and if you beat her in the training arena
- Hides-in-Barrels can now get pregnant if you beat her in the training arena. This closes her shop in the Shores of Easy.
- Secret character can now get pregnant after beating her in the training arena
- Tali, Moona and Mary can now get pregnant after their respective sex scenes.
- Alice's rewards have been updated to reflect what is possible in this new update.