Original version : v1.33.3c
Modified version : v5.45
Operating System : Windows Xp / 7/8 CPU cycles : 1Ghz Video Card : 256mb RAM : 1Gb
Update: Now when you start the games will only boot mode instead of 333 in 1266 , so the hardware requirements are reduced by 4 times. Updated moreclothingV5_1, which now displays a girl clothing, which is loaded into the game .
Added folder Dark Mods, which can be accessed within the game, which allows you to turn and fashion X-Ray, animated backdrops, cheers man and bloating. Going into the folder, you can choose Him, you will look like a man of the options and some even have a head. Going to the last page in the game menu called Loader, you can change the position of women, as well animtoolsV14 running, you can open an expanded version of the menu.