Translation for Okaken no Hihou Kyoufu no NTR Sugoroku.
There might be a few typos but you should be able to understand the sentences overall.
I don't plan on working on this anymore so if anyone wants to fix typos and do a better job translating it feel free to use this and change as you'd like.
This is a really short and interesting little game.
The member's of the occult research club gets trapped into a cursed game of sugoroku and the protagonist's girlfriend gets NTR if any of the members lands in the same or an adjacent square as her.
You control yourself and her and can go fowards or backwards in the board to escape the other member and reach the Goal. While having the protagonist near the girl can protect her against the NTR.
This game has new game+ where you can start another run with more items to help you win.
Also, you need to clear the first stage of the game and start a new game+ with that first to unlock the rest of the H scenes and try to get the 'true' ending.
This games uses RPG Maker VX(not ace) and RPGMakerTrans could not extract the text for a few choices for some reason. I made some manual edits on the files to make them in english but because I don't have RPG Maker VX Editor if anything breaks I've left the translation files without the menu translations here too.