Uni it's the name of the city that the game takes place in and you play as a female protagonist, a girl whose fate is entirely up to you. Much like a date-sim game, you'll attend school, walk around, take on a job, etc etc. As this game goes on you'll be able to put her in different situations and experience different storylines.
New Matt Casual Outfit added.
-Expanded Mall Outfits writing.
-New CG Scenes for picking out clothes at the mall with Lisa.
-Cafe Panties scene added
-Gallery overflow bug fixed.
-Gallery now shows locked CGs Scenes
-Android version now skips the Hizor Games splash screen to prevent the game from crashing on startup.
-Several bug fixes.
-Some dates for Damien and Violet when eating out now have CG Scenes.
-Nate & Co. Bar CG Scene has been re-added. (Version mix-up problem)
-7 New Kate Romance scenes.