Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate / 恋と選挙とチョコレート
Genre: School, Harem, Virgin, Comedy, Romance, Striptease, Oral, Blowjob, Anal, Footjob, Big tits\DFC
Censorship: Is in game
Year of release: 2015 |
Date of release: 2015/11/30 |
Developer/publisher: Sprite | Basic Translations
Platform: PC/Windows |
Edition type: Original (license) |
Tablet: Prisustvuyet
Game language: Japanese/English |
Interface language: English |
Postscoring language: Japanese
System requirements (minimum): OS: WinXP/Vista/7 CPU: PentiumIII 800MHz/Pentium4 1.2GHz
VRAM: 800*600 DirectX:6.0 HDD: 3,60 GB
Description: Yuuki, who wants to fall in love, and Chisato, who doesn't like chocolates. They are lifelong friends and students of the same school. They both belong to the food club with Mifuyu, their classmate. Actually, they don't do anything everyday, just enjoying chatting... But one day, Satsuki, president candidate of the student council, promises to close the clubs that do nothing. To stop it, they decide to run against her... But who will they send out..? Yes, Yuuki is forced to run for the election... To save the club, he will just need to be the next president!
Additional information:
It seems as it is necessary to subtract all rues that Extra opened
AGHT code-/HSN-4@B14B4:dirapi.dll
Instruction on installation:
1. We mount an image
2. We establish game as you wish
3. We unpack ksc_updater.zip and we throw contents in the folder with game
4. We unpack No DVD Patch and the received ekzeshnik we throw in the folder with game
5. We start game through a new ekzeshnik, game will request a seriynik
6. We watch Serial.txt, we copy a key and we insert.
7. We enjoy