Maman Kyoushitsu ~Mirai no H na Obenkyou~
Genre: Animation, Housewives, Pregnant, Romance, Harem, Striptease, Oral, Blowjob, Anal, Footjob, Big tit
Censorship: Is in game
Year of release: 2014 |
Date of release: 2014/05/04 |
Developer/publisher: Swaneye + | Loe Quality Translations( スワンアイ+)
Platform: PC/Windows |
Edition type: Original (license) |
Tablet: It isn't required
Game language: English |
System requirements (minimum): OS: WinXP/Vista/7/8 CPU: Pentium4 1.4GHzRAM: XP/1.0GB/Vista/1.5GB
VRAM: 800*600 DirectX:8.1a HDD: 1,57 GB
Getchu/Vndb/Loe Quality Translations
Description: Kei is now looking for a job. He is in love with Honoka, his neighbor, but she is already married and pregnant. One day, he saves a man who gets injured in a traffic accident. The man asks Kei to visit the obstetrics and tell his message. Kei visits there, but the doctor mistakenly thinks him as a teacher of preparation lesson for pregnant mothers. The doctor says, "Do you like pregnant girls?" Kei quickly answers, "Yes, I love them!" Like this, he starts working there.... When he opens the door of the classroom on his first day at work, there are Honoka and other pregnant mothers....