Tyson finds his lovely girlfriend Shannon in his parents garage completely alone, and completely naked...
Tyson prepares to face his greatest fears in an incredibly audacious, but very sexy, way...
Tyson dives head first into their next episode, but they soon discover they're not alone...
Kelsey helps Shannon experience a couple of firsts...
Tyson finds out exactly who he's dealing with and she wastes no time doing things her way...
Darci does her best to help Tyson, even if he doesn't want it...
Tyson's learned a lot about themselves, but it looks like there might be more to learn...
Darci begins the more advanced form of therapy as Kelsey looks on in confusion and some new feelings...
Tyson has another breakthrough, but Darci's still digging to get to the heart of the problem and she'll use any means necessary...
Tyson has a first he's been waiting a long, long time for...
Darci seems to have found Tyson's sore spot, and she wastes no time applying pressure...
Tyson comes to grips with a truth that was buried deep...
Darci gets the ball rolling on what Tyson's future will look like...
Tyson goes back into an episode for one last breakthrough...
Kelsey does her best to comfort Tyson in his time of need...
Kelsey snaps back to reality, but somehow she's still having sex...