Brenda was just like any other middle-aged Mom, until she caught the growth virus. Suddenly, she's eight feet tall, and gorging herself on all the food she can get her hands on... but her other appetites grew too! Brenda's hornier than ever, even though her newfound size and strength are scaring her husband. Brenda has a wild night in the bedroom with him, and she gets carried away and uses her husband like a sex toy!
Her injured husband gets mad at her, and the two get in a fight. Brenda storms out, only to grow and get stuck in the apartment's narrow hallways. Brenda finds herself out on the street, more than twelve feet tall, and growing bigger every time she loses control of her emotions!
After a group of construction workers catcall her, Brenda stomps over to give them a piece of her mind, not realizing that she's still growing. A rapid growth spurt makes Brenda pass out and fall onto one construction worker, crushing him under her half-ton body! When Brenda hears sirens, she panics, sprinting away from the cops and trampling her way through a crowd of people!
Brenda ends up in a jail cell, facing years in prison for one tragic mistake. She thinks her life is over until a mysterious woman comes to bail her out... A wealthy amazon woman who's fascinated by Brenda's rapid growth.